R Frank Jones Urology Interest Group

Currently, less than 20% of medical schools require mandatory exposure to Urology as part of the medical school curriculum. Surveys have shown that up to 65% of medical school students graduate without formal clinical exposure to Urology.

The R Frank Jones Urology Interest Group was born from the desires of concerned Black urologists. They recognized the necessity to eliminate in-person sub-internships, more imperative given the upcoming novel virtual interview season, which would likely disproportionally disadvantage Black applicants.

With the U.S. urologists population at around 13,000, there would need to be about 1,740 Black urologists to mirror the U.S. Black population of 13.4%. There are currently around 280 Black urologists. It would take matching 73 Black residents every year for 20 years to make up the 1460 deficit, assuming no Black urologists leave the workforce during that same timeframe.

Similarly, for the U.S. urology workforce to reflect the Latinx population of 18%, there would need to be 2,340 Latinx urologists. Currently, there are around 495 Latinx urologists. It would take matching 92 Latinx residents every year for 20 years to make up the deficit with no attrition of the current workforce.

Urology Unbound recognizes that direct mentorship is needed to expose and involve Black and Latinx medical students to various urology opportunities. Our primary aim is to utilize our collective resources to expand and implement initiatives for targeted exposure to academic and clinical urology for Black and Latinx medical students within the field of urology.

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